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In-house DM water (Deionized water) and ion exchange systems are used by industries and laboratories to produce high-purity water for various applications. Let's break down each component

DM water, also known as deionized water or demineralized water, is water that has had most of its mineral ions and impurities removed through a purification process. It typically undergoes a combination of techniques such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and carbon filtration to achieve a high level of purity. DM water is free from dissolved minerals, salts, and impurities, making it suitable for sensitive applications that require pure water, such as laboratory experiments, electronics manufacturing, pharmaceutical production, and more.

Ion exchange is a water treatment process used to remove dissolved ions from water by exchanging them with ions of similar charge on an ion exchange resin. In the context of producing DM water, ion exchange plays a significant role in removing ions and impurities from the water source. The ion exchange resin is typically composed of small beads or granules with functional groups that selectively attract and capture ions in the water. As the water passes through the resin, the ions in the water are exchanged with ions on the resin, resulting in the removal of contaminants and the production of purified water.